Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

Not making light of your son's situation in any way, shape, or form, but I thought you or others may find the following amusing if you haven't seen it.

Fine and amusing/funny sign.linked directly to my own thaughts arround the word "Lucky"

Humor is the best medicin, and my son is gona be fine.
One of his favorit foods is corn on the cob.
When you have kids or other people you love/care for, you try to comfort them in any way you can, when they are sick or hurt.
Part of that is offering them somthing they like to eat.

Gues what he has been offerd as a treat/meal.
Humor and smiles is good for the spirit wich is the #1 medicine, to put any thing behind you.

As for the justice system, in Norway or other western democratic country, I think they are the most functional ones.
I still get a bit offended by the miss use, lack off use, and horrible tecnicalieties, that lets people off the hook.
So hom dosen't wish for frontier justice ewery so often?
I feel confident that I/we have the resources and means,to make the justice system work at it's best
I choose to belive that, until I'm prooven wrong, and can/will not allow, fellings (strong) goof it up.

We do not wan't a chatc and release
The small fish (uderzise) is gona fry or at least get that belive/feeling.

thanks to all for good moral suport

This takes "Creating habitat" to different level.