That's really cool looking, Ack. I especially like the trenches - they basically imitate creek channels that are prevalent in a lot of big lakes and offer good places for LMB to do their thing. I agree with taking them up into the shallows in a spot or two.

You might want to make your brush pile bigger, extending towards shore so that any little guys who use it have a range of depths available to them depending on their size and stage of development. Bigger prey fish will use it, too, drawing bigger predators into that area. If you have some good ambush and escape features available for the predators, that will be a key area for future fishing, I suspect.

Again, really cool setup - I like it a lot and if I eventually redo my ponds, you can rest assured I'm stealing the idea of the trenches. They've probably been discussed here, but I've just never seen pics that lay them out as clearly as yours and I really like the concept.

Todd La Neve

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