Theo I think if clipped a little farther back and not so far down in the meat it will heal even quicker. If you do not kill your first experment ya done goodmy friend. Cool how you can see the tag in the water, huh?

Update last week we shocked a bass #089. I forget about it b/c it had been since 2002 that we shocked his lake. he said yep never did catch that bass you tagged. I said well he might just be dead by now. When weighing the biggest one, Matt said looky there. It was covered in slime but cleand up to read #089. It was in 2002 16 inches and now 23 inches and shade under 8 lbs. Once again proof the tags will last longer thatn folks think. Funny thing is this lake gets alot of fishing pressure and they have not once caught this fish in a 5 acre pond. He was shocked in the same place we caught him back in 2002, amazing really.

Greg Grimes