Thanks, guys. Dwight, I appreciate all of your statistical work and details.
I am going to be working with a friend that is in the HVAC industry, as he is the one that suggested I look into it.
After much reading, I have seen that in my area that the loop in the pond needs to be at least 6 feet under and that is no problem since I will be 12 foot when the pond is refinished and holding.
I have the "luxury" of renovation over winter and into the spring of my pond, so I can be sure the loops are strategically placed before the refill.
My friend is planning to use this as an experimental project for his company and is going to do much of the layout gratis. I will get the equiptment at a relatively cheap price and then let him use my house for demos.
The house will be a timberframe structure and be totally enclosed with SIPS so it will be quite tight and have an air interchange unit to dispell moisture-laden air.
As the design and implementation proceeds, I will keep everyone updated.
Thanks all....this is a great place for many reasons.
