Longhorn -- the LMB stocking was a good plan. You've got to give the bass a few years to reach maturity, spawn, and start controlling the sunfish in a 3-acre pond. If you have the resources, or could talk the state into it, I would go with one more LMB stocking. I would try for 40/acre (120 total) of 8-12 inch LMB.

Ewest -- let's ask Longhorn the history of the pond. If the sunfish and bass have been in there for 4 years, then the winterkill risk must be somewhat low at his location? Anyone reading this from central Illinois? I assume that ice cover must not be too thick or last too long? Obviously, 7 feet of silt in what was a 14 foot deep pond is a problem situation.

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.