So, I borrowed a DO test kit last night and checked the water in my pond. I came away with a 7.9 ppm at 64F for a saturation of 86%.

I know that means that currently I have enough DO for most species of fish including the trout that I am about to add. But, does it mean that with aeration I could reach 100%?

Thanks for your insight.

(Back story is that this a 1 acre pond in Virginia ( not aerated, not fertilized). I have bass, blue gill, and red ear in balance. I am adding trout for a winter fishery, with the plan to remove in the spring when water again reaches 65. I'm trying to figure out if adding too many trout is going to put me into a fish kill situation. Now I have the current number - just don't know where to go from here. Hatchery minimum is $400, so I had to order 180 pounds of fish - which is know is a lot - gonna be eating a lot of trout....)