To determine what the MINIMUM amount of Ag Lime needed requires a soil test. You can normally get that done at any USDA office for a small fee. Take small equal sample amounts of soil from several places/depths around your pond and a few from pond sediments. Mix all the samples well and allow them to dry before taking the sample to be tested.

Determine what your target PH is and the testing facility will tell you how many TONS per Acre are required to raise the soil PH to the desired PH point. Dolomitic Agricultural Lime can not be over applied since it can not raise the PH higher than a very safe 8.2. Extra Ag lime will simply reduce the frequency of needed applications.

Lime spreader trucks can sling the crushed limestone or pelleted lime about 30-50 feet. Some spreader trucks have two slingers---one for the center/right side and one for the center/left of the truck. Spreader trucks do need to be able to get fairly close to the water to be the most useful.