
The key to your question might be what constitutes "large numbers of HSB" in relation to numbers of LMB. In our pond that has both HSB and LMB, we haven't noticed any degradation of LMB relative weights. However, the HSB aren't stocked in what I would call large numbers in comparison to LMB.

Forage type and availability would influence the answer to your question also, it would seem. Abundant open water forage from different sources vs small numbers of BG would effect a mixed pond environment of HSB and LMB, I would theorize. Also, artificial feeding would be another important factor as HSB are very efficient users of artificial feed.

Seems like there are enough variables at play to where a general answer with 100% certainty isn't likely.

Didn't someone post the results of a controlled study on this question some time back...EWEST perhaps?