Here's the rig and pic of jugs with Alum and Hy Lime:

Each jug has corresponding amounts of Alum and half as much Hy Lime. The mayo jar is portional amt of just Alum, the Ragu jar is the control of pond water

This the pump from Harbor Freight with 1" in/out

Garbage can full of water

Sprayer set on vertical spray

10' x 3/4" PVC with hose attached

I figure I can ride the ferry to the deep parts and work my way towards shore.

Can I do it in sections, ie. Do the end on the north side with Alum then HY Lime, wait a bit then do the south end?

Just so that I completely understand, I'm not a chemist so help me out here. If I dissolve the Alum in the garbage can before spraying what will the clay particles attach themselves to?

Not to discredit any member or this forum but I am getting conflicting procedure as for as what goes first. The ph is already below 6.5. If I put the HY Lime first will it bring up the ph to more acceptable levels before adding Alum which will lower the ph?

From what I read in my search it is recommended to add Hy Lime prior to Alum. Once again I am trying to understand so that I can do this to the best of my ability with as much info as possible.

Sometimes ponds are like women, a small one takes less to manage and more time for pleasure