
If you try to mix early, the lime will only partially dissolve and the alum will turn into a block in the bottom of the barrel.

Second, DO NOT apply the lime first---apply it after the alum treatment or alternate the applications and always apply the lime over where you applied the alum. (Alum is relatively slow to change PH where the H lime is virtually instant in action and could kill the fish from PH shock)

Third, TAKE your time! This is a slow proccess and accuracy is imprtant. Speed will cause MORE stress to your fish by reducing the needed acclimation time.

Fourth, apply both products over the deepest areas first in a circular pattern working outwardly toward the shorelines. This allows the fish escape areas to avoid the PH changes and is very important.

Fifth, Spread the Alum evenly and proportionatly over the water----more lime/alum over the deeper areas than the shallow.

Sixth, leave the aeration off!!!! Circulation will make the Floc particles break up and can reduce or stop the whole process. Leave the aerator off at least 24 hours---48 would be better. Both the lime and the alum are flocculants.

Remember, the Alum will fall through the water column adding clay as it falls. The less evenly or less proportionate, the less effective it will be.

Again, take your time and don't rush.

Good luck!

Last edited by Rainman; 09/02/10 09:16 AM.