The gears just don't stop turning! I would like some feed back on a plan for applying the Hy Lime and Alum.

The day before I go the pond, Friday afternoon

1) Place two 55 gal plastic drums in the bed of my truck
2) In drum #1 mix Hy Lime and fresh water at a rate of 1 lb
to 1 gal
3) In drum #2 mix Alum and fresh water at a rate of 1lb
to 1 gal

When I get to the pond, Saturday afternoon

4) Put generator in bed of truck
5) Upon arrival at the pond add enough fresh water to both
drums and mix to a viscosity thin enough to spray
6) Drop in sump pump with garden hose attached in Hy Lime.
Hose will have 10'- 3/4" pvc attached with spray head
7) Turn on aerator to help circulate pond
8) Start generator and plug in sump pump
9) Have my brother drive around pond as I spray Hy Lime slurry
10) After all the Hy Lime has been dispensed turn off aerator
11) Move pump to Alum drum and repeat the process until drum
is empty

I'm hoping this will speed the process of adding the chemicals with the least amount of stress on the fish.

Would there be any adverse effect of the Hy Lime or Alum by dissolving them the day before application?
Would the Hy LIme just turn to a hard clump in the bottom of the drum?
Would the Alum be spent or less potent?


Last edited by hd82; 09/02/10 09:02 AM.

Sometimes ponds are like women, a small one takes less to manage and more time for pleasure