Originally Posted By: hd82

30 pounds Alum per acre foot applied in a slurry sprayed over the surface, this should be buffered by 13 pounds of hydarted lime per acre foot. From my calcutations and pond size 1/8 arce. 30# alum / 8 = 3.75 pounds and 13# Hy Lime / 8 = 1.625 pounds.

Looks like you are mixing a area measurement and a volume measurement. Your pond is 1/8 acre of surface area, correct? An acre foot is a volume measumnet of how much water is in your pond. So you shouldn't be dividing the amount you apply by the surface measure, enstead you should be using the volume measurement. Do you know how much acre feet of water your pond holds? What is the basic shape of the bottom? There are only estimators that do this for you.