I've been very very happy to see many SMB YoY. No doubt there was a good spawn - and I'm now seeing pods of 12-24 smb anywhere from 2-4". They are very active and easy to ID as SMB even from a distance. They are growing faster than the BG and YP you. Im seeing less and less FHM - There were TONS in the spring - but they seem to be missing - either they are on the deeper structure or the schools are being preyed upon heavily.

I'm seeing lots of 6-7" BG that are too skinny. I put the feeder up - and will start a BG Fish-fry afternoons this fall during bowseason! Hoping to fatten the up over the next month ot two. Cannot wait!

I can't figure out how to embed the feeding video - here is the link.


Haven't seen any of my trout since spring - if they made it through this summer - they'll be fine forever!

Last edited by F-H; 08/28/10 09:37 PM.