Hi GW,
I am new to the blog however I have read the 28 odd pages of the blog and was very impressed with everyone's input and collaboration. You have done a great job. I have been playing with small BSF cultures for the last two months however I have run into some problems. I have had several cultures that were going very well that crashed within 24 hours. I lost 50-60% of all the larvae, most up them large. They ones remaining are very lethargic and don;t eat well at all. I have been feeding all vegetative waste (culls) that I get from a local farmer here in FL. Have you ever experienced this before?? I am leaning toward a possible pesticide contamination on the vegetables. What are your thoughts?

I also need to replace my grubs as I need feed for my lizards. Would you or anyone out there be interested in selling some larvae ??? I tried getting some from Phoenix worms but they are all out.

Keep up the great work