No real updates as of yet...I did talk to Mike Otto for about 30 minutes one night...Very nice guy....

We are trying to buy another 10 acres that is next to our 16. That would give us 26, and will allow us to move the house and shop a little farther away from where the pond will go...

We have had a few flash floods this year, which are the only ones I can remember for a very long time. So I decided it would be a good idea to go over and see where/how the water was flowing...

Here's a rundown...

This is standing on the west property line between my 16 acres, and the 10 we are trying to buy. I am looking north in this pic...

Same spot, but looking south. All this water is flowing south...

This just shows the depth of the above water

This is looking north in the middle of my property, right where the middle of the pond should go. If I were to turn the camera to the right and look slightly south, this water dumps into the creek.

I sure wish I already had this done, and could have been capturing all the water...