This is great news. I also just hit the jackpot for information on raising talapia at home!

I been searching for a week and I finally was able to find a good website. Perhaps I got lucky but I think it was because this forum gave me enough knowledge to finally enter the right search terms!

Look at all the talapia in pools! Funny that I get the answer from you and find it myself at virtually the same time! I know those pools aren't rated for fish but there are plenty of green pools sitting around in people's back yards to be had for cheap. I can't wait to get started.

I ordered my first piece of back yard pond equipment today. A half HP stainless steel encased cast iron sump pump I got used on at a price I couldn't refuse. I will get my first used "talapia" pool soon. I just know there's somebody that has one in their back yard that wants to get rid of it for cheap with my name on it!

Last edited by surfsteve; 07/23/10 01:27 AM.