Originally Posted By: MRHELLO
Trying to get more feed back on this.

Does Water Primrose supply any benefits is so what are they?

Or should I do my best to get rid of it now and any fish willing to eat it?

This is the plant:

Iff you can look upon "the plant" as any plant, keep that in mind whilst you are watching this video:

"The plant" in the video contecst might give you answer to Q ?

Originally Posted By: MRHELLO
If I had goats I would do that.

I guess shiners or other forage do not like this?

It is a pain to fish around, but does it really cause much trouble to the pond, or long term problems?

I don't think shiners or other forage, would have any like/dislike on your thoughts off what you would do or not do, with your goats iff you had goats.
However to be on the safe side, don't let them in on your thoughts/plans.
You are the BOSS so you make the rules, what ever you add or take away
will make some sort off impact small or big time, short or long term.

Sort off weird having a God like role isn't it?
Adds a even absurd dimension to it, that what you/I/anybody decide in a (one) particular BOW, can spread like wild fire in a endless domino effect,on all BOW's

You must feel a heavy burdon, having to decide upon so many differente ponds and having the desire to raise so many speicies.

Do you keep writen records(log) on the ponds, or have it all in your head?

Keep up the good work, by the way where are the pictures?