OK Mr. Ringing Endorsement. Here is what I will do. I will substitute the word Sonar with Fluridone. Then I will wholeheatedly agree with 1-4. With #5, that is why you have a forum like this.

Then I have an amazing new word for you. WhiteCap AC.

And an interesting fact, not junk science. University of Florida's Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants did not one but two studies on product effectiveness on guess what? Hydrilla. One a 26 week trial, another varying ppm concentrations. Guess what, at the end of the studies there was no significant differences found between WhiteCap and Sonar. But if you really like talking to people at SePro, do you have to buy Sonar to do it?

Last edited by The Pond Frog; 07/11/10 11:49 AM.