I wouldn't mind hearing some thoughts on Bullheads myself, especially regarding their effects (positive or negative) on ponds and fish populations.

I have caught these scrappy little wonders in many lakes for years, and I like eating them. In fact, I have been known to go after them specifically. Amazing animals! Hard to kill. I once put a bunch of them in a bucket without water overnight in a closed refrigerator, and they were still gasping for air the next day when I started cleaning them!

But, what are their impact on ponds? Or, on other fish? I believe they are bottom feeders. Do they serve any good toward cleaning up a pond bottom? Or, do they simply stir it up and keep it perpetually muddy? I would think they could visit strata with little oxygen without harm (see the anectdote above). I do not have bullheads in my pond currently, so I would have to put them there, if I wanted them there. I simply don't know enough about them at this point to make that decision.