Todd I though only a few of his fish died (a few big ones) and his concern was about all the rest (small fish). It really is a question of how crowded they are now and what will happen as they double and triple in size (weight) again during the hot summer. He has a full years worth of BG with no predation (other than BG). That could be a bunch of different sizes from multi-spawns last year and this year. Better to deal with it now than in 2 mths when they are even more and bigger. I would rather take the risk of losing a few now do to a move rather than later at a higher risk factor and cost. This assumes though that the problem was accurately described. Your concern is one reason I moved to blocking nets – no move – no handling as they get bigger and minimal water quality problems.. This option was presented early in this process.

I have moved small fish this time of year a number of times without problem. Very short moves do not seem to effect fish like long crowded moves from a hatchery. I only move a few in a batch of oxygenated water and the move only lasts about 15 mins. Usually one seine pull ( 100-200 small fish) I do this early in the am and move to a habituation area (netted area) for protection and observation. I see very low morts moving 2-3 inch BG.

I do agree with the concept an so advised - often. You just have to monitor the carrying capacity and move fish out or mother nature will fix it for you. I think you noted the risk in your earlier post. IMO the best way to use this method is to start with small BG 2-3 inches and only feed them one spring and summer and move them all in the fall. Here they would go from 2 inches to about 6 inches. Stock , growout and move them out leaving only a few adults for next year. This seems to avoid water quality issues and heat problems. This was my suggestion early on.

Last edited by ewest; 06/16/10 08:56 AM.