DDT is persistent but not as persistent as copper fungicides commonly used on "organic" farms, nor as stable as table salt. Malaria was excluded from th US by wiping out mosquitoes and draing swamps and wetlands. Destroying any animal's habitat is a very effective way to devastate a population. Scientific evidence is data, not rhetoric. Read our history books and those of England and see how they agree (or not) considering the revolutionary war. I sat in these ecology courses and heard how wolves controlled rabbit populations and created the cycling of both populations. Then I read the scientific papers showing that wolves have vitually no impact on rabbit populations. Diseases cycle through the rabbit populations when densities are great enough which affects wolf populations. There are lots of popular myths taught in our schools including our universities. This is not science. Science is data, not opinion. But heck, neopaganism is a popular faith, so enjoy. You have lots of company!