Hi all,

My Dad gave me a pump he bought at an auction, and I'm wondering if it will work in my pond since I don't have an aeration system in place. Also have a boatload of 1/2 clear tubing that I'd like to use as well.

Thomas 2107CEF20

Pond is 1/3 acre, avg 10-12 feet, 30yrs old, already have a surface fountain. Barely use copper sulfate, 15 lbs a year spread with a dixie cup while walking the bank about every 3 weeks, a little pond dye, about a quart a year, and a bag of barely pellets in the spring. Fish-LMB & HB, adding perch in a few weeks. Never aerated before except with surface fountain.

We typically get a ring of algae about 2 feet wide around the entire pond until swimming season starts, and I'm hoping that adding bottom aeration with this pump will be sufficient to get rid of it without anymore chemicals. Water is very clear past the algae, visibility about 6-8 feet.
