OK, Bullhead.

The two ends are the same purpose, just different sizes.

In each "ball" on the ends, there is a slot that goes through, axially (sp?), to the center of the ball.

When the fish is gullet hooked, you keep tension on the line. In the fishes mouth, but not as far as the gullet, you thread the fishing line into the center of the ball. Then, keeping tension on the line, you push the ball down into the fishes gullet. Now, the shape of the downward side of the ball fills the hook-gape (the eye of the hook goes up inside the ball a little bit) and then you pull the plunger all they way back out of the gullet/mouth. The hook point is flush against the ball so it does not catch on any soft tissue. Back when you pushed the ball through the gullet, the tension on the line forced the hook shank into the center shaft of the ball; then w/ the tension on the line against the force of the plunger going into the gullet, the hook is freed.

If you live bait fish, this thing is a must. It is so cheap also. Whenever I see some at a tackle store, I buy them all.

Last edited by Sunil; 06/01/10 07:44 PM.

Excerpt from Robert Crais' "The Monkey's Raincoat:"
"She took another microscopic bite of her sandwich, then pushed it away. Maybe she absorbed nutrients from her surroundings."