Very comfortable inside this Cessna.

Steve, (l) and Rick show their smiling faces at 34,000 feet as we head to Dallas.

It was a great 8 days, jammed packed to the hilt. It's a great life and I'll ride the wave, God willing...

I'll close with this...everywhere I go there seems to be peace and harmony. Nature holding hands with man, man holding hand with man, Nature holding hands with itself. These geese symbolize harmony, family and life. There will be trials. No way all these goslings will make it to adulthood. Something will eat some of them. But, Nature's ways afford them the opportunity to survive and thrive. There's so many things we don't have control over. People worry, fret and wonder what the next day brings. I suspect these geese wonder what the next minute brings and that urgency allows them to live their lives as full as possible.

Fish on.

Bob Lusk

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...