shocked -- shocked -- shocked

How To Apply Fertilizer

Never broadcast granular fertilizer,

and never apply undiluted

liquid fertilizer. The fertilizer will

rapidly sink to the bottom and be

tied up in soils instead of becoming

available in the water. Broadcast

powdered fertilizer into

areas at least 2 feet deep so it

can dissolve before reaching the


If you use granular forms,

apply them in a way that minimizes

fertilizer-soil contact. You

can do this by making fertilizer

platforms – one for each 5 to 6

acres of water. Build the platforms

so you can raise or lower

them. Lay the right amount of fertilizer

on the platforms so 4

inches of water will cover them.

Tear off the top layer of each

sack. Waves will distribute the

fertilizer throughout each pond.

Building a platform construction

can be difficult in existing

ponds. An alternative method is

simply to place bags containing

the needed amount of fertilizer in

shallow water with the tops cut

out. The bags separate soil and

fertilizer, and waves will dissolve

and distribute the fertilizer.

Dilute liquid fertilizer with at

least two parts water to one part

fertilizer before application. In

small ponds, you can spray liquids

effectively from the bank

with hand-held sprayers. Boats

make application easy in larger

ponds. You can spray the diluted

fertilizer over the water surface or

let it flow into the prop-wash of

an outboard motor. You can pour

powdered formulations directly

on the water surface.