Anybody ever hear of this method?

I deeply gill hooked a 2.5# LMB the other day. Bleeding profusely I still tried to release it hoping for the best but to no avail. Belly up at the surface and unresponsive to my touch and encouragement.

A buddy fishing with me at the time said that he had read in a fishing magazine that if you pour 7-UP into their mouth over their gills that it will help to revive them. Crazy right? Well I happened to have a can of 7-UP that I was drinking and gave it a try. I placed the doomed fish into a fish cage for observation. 28 hours later I went back to check on it and I'll be damned, that fish was agressive and lively ready to be released. Could this method be true?

2008, 2011 & 2012 conference attendee.
Striving to be the person that my dog already thinks I am.