Hi all - another question from a first time pond owner.

It's a pond that has been holding water now for 2+ years - good little ecosystem growing in it. Fish have been stocked, happy and growing.

Simple question is - should I simply let 'nature take its course' and allow whatever plants come to grow. or - should I consider getting some plants & lillies started.

Would love to hear the pluses and minuses.

Just looking for some direction/suggestions on what to do - and if 'helping' to get it started is the answer - suggestions on what to do would be most appreciated.

The pond is in WNY - COLD in winter...it freezes over. App 1/3 of an acre - water is 15'+ at the deepest point & tapers up to the shallows <4' on one end. The pond gets water from runoff and a small pump that delivers 500 gal/day in summer - no outlet or flow other than that.
