Originally Posted By: skinnybass
wait a minute........didn't even crack the top 10? now i'm interested, JHAP, what is your top couple of oddjobs?

Well keep in mind I said "unusual occupations" and by that I just meant not a standard job. And perhaps I was being too stingy not having your fiance's job break into the top 10. But here are few client's occupations that I felt were unusual.

One client (moved away so is no longer a client) was an Orca trainer at San Diego's Sea World. She spent her days in the tanks with the killer whales. Recent news events would tell you this can be quite a dangerous profession.

Another former client (passed away a number of years ago) was a marine wild life spotter. He owned a Partenavia Observer air plane. He started off working for a bait company assisting in spotting schools of bait in the Pacific. He was then contacted by Scripps Institute of Oceanography and while spotting for bait he began logging sitings of various marine wildlife (sharks, whales, etc). His plane looked like this... a section of the bottom is entirely made of glass so the pilot can view downward. (Note: this is just a photo I found on the internet).

I have a client that breeds exotic birds. Now I'm not talking about the standard fare of exotic birds like parrots (although he does breed Macaws as well and has a breeding pair of Haycinth Macaws that collectively are worth a fortune) but he specializes in rare raptors that are bred for zoos.

Another of my clients is a grower of rare orchids. He travels about the world collecting some of the more unusual species. He has green houses full of these orchids. Occasionally JWHAP and I go to his location just to walk through the green houses - it's like walking into a rain forest - climate controlled and kept at a balmy temperature. His orchid collection is quite literally worth millions.

One of my clients is a game artist for Sony. He has created several characters that are used in Sony Play Station games. He spends his day drawing and animating game characters. His art work is unreal - quite a talented individual.

Perhaps not particularly weird professions but not the standard 8 to 5 jobs either.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)