Dwight, possibly a silly question or one you've answered before even. But why allow during the ice fishing season? Is it simply because it's much more difficult to have success under the ice without live bait? I understand why you don't allow live bait during open water season, and I just assumed that precaution carried over to hard water season as well.

Actually that is great question!

Fish caught on live bait in the winter are generally mouth hooked. Their metabolism is low as is there aggression level. They see an easy meal and close their lips over it. The water is cold so the chance of infection is also low. Mortality is low.

Fish caught on live bait in the summer are hooked deeply and possibly gut hooked. Their metabolism is high as is there aggression level. They attack and attempt to swallow immediately. The water is warm so the chance of infection is high. Mortality is high.

No treble hooks are allowed on Bremer Pond, either.

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