Outside Sacramento.

Stocking rates depends upon customers intent. Those Tigers are Lake dominators, but sterile. Brown Brook hybrid. They say one of the best fighters, chub killers. Rainbows already there eat varied diet, bug, grubs, smaller fishes. May or may not be able to reproduce in there. Depends on inflows. Are the rainbows anything special? Sterile? Steelies? Diploid? The Splakes would be perfect, for ongoing fishery. I'd load them up for #1 species. Lake Brook hybrid. But they can reproduce. They have a lot of behavior from the Lake side, and will school. And reproduce in a lake, a very good thing. Also varied diet. The Tigers you just catch out slowly, becoming very big in Utah for chub eating. Never will overpopulate. You should end up with three compatible trout, and throw some forage chubs in, a lot at first. With that combo they won't last. They all have different diets, behavior, appearances and probably hang out in different areas. Would be a dream trout pond and easy to manage. Also all available locally in Utah.

Last edited by The Pond Frog; 02/16/10 05:22 PM.