OK, here's how the game is going to work. First of all, I'm going to need to move Omaha's pics to another thread. I want this "game" to be easy to find on the forum.

There's also going to be prizes.

The only person who's not allowed to play is TeeJaeh, because he's personally been to the Quarry.

When I ask a question, I will state how many points answers are worth.

Answers don't have to be exactly correct to earn points.

I will decide who gets points and who doesn't.

The winner will receive a special prize package. Since TeeJaeh can't play, I'll email him the prize package so he can keep it in the prize "vault" for the winner to enjoy.

The game will go on as long as I want it to.

The winner will get something pretty cool.

Time to move this to it's own thread.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.