JKB - I did not know there were feral hog in Michigan. We don't have them in Indiana and the DNR wants to keep it that way. The bear is amazing. Wish we had black bears in central Indiana; might keep the woods a little less crowded. I took the larger deer above with a bow late in early-archery of 2008 inside of 5 yards (from a tree stand). I almost had the the smaller one the same way in 2009 but could not take the shot. I took him at about 60 yards with a 44 rifle late in the 2009 gun season from my kids tree-house. He does not have much mass or tine length except for the 8-inch drop, but has good inside spread (19.5 inches). I had never seen a living deer with a drop tine, so I took him. When I first saw him, I thought that he had a corn leaf hanging from his antlers. The deer on the post are from 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 from top to bottom. I stopped taking little ones in about 2003 and it has paid off.