recently purchased 92 acres and am trying to pick a good site that will not create many problems for me to deal with in the future---the best site i think lies in the "bottom" along the right side of my property---it has a fair size creek (dry now due to drought conditions)--the topo shows probably 60 or so of the acres (with pretty good slope) run off to that bottom plus another 30 or 40 acres off my property--am interested in having a pond dug in the cleared areas in the bottom that are just off the edge of the big old hardwoods that line the creek bed--am in hopes can locate a spring in the bottom to use as additional water source if needed in dry weather and/or to possibly pump from---am going to have some test holes dug but most of the soil in that area is clay. property is in chalk country in mid-georgia. plan on making the pond follow the contour of the bottom of the hill on one side and hardwood tree line on the other side. NCRS(?) in that area says 25 acre runoff will fill 1 acre pond in that area usually--any thoughts/suggestions/tips on that scenario? also am reluctant to dam the creek as it is close to property line and topo shows it may have a ton of water coming thru it during wet season don't want problems with getting onto neighbors land nor problems with dam erosion from strong current. thanks for any suggestions.