My turn.
This is one of the best exchanges I have seen today.
Pond Boss appreciates each of you, and your thoughts. That's what makes this site the best of its kind.
When I read Fishman's post, the hair on my neck stood up, and my face flushed red. Then all that pride subsided and common sense began its humble pinch.
He's right.
The pros need to chime in, more often.
Fishman, from reading your thoughts, you sound like someone with substantial knowledge. Keep tossing you thoughts into the mix. You're helpful.
This site is designed for pros to chime in, to help others. When any of us see an idea with consequences, add your thoughts.
Originally, this site was developed with the hope that 20-30 pros would offer advice to hundreds of readers.
The problem? The pros make a living during the growing season. Personally, I have never been busier than this year.
In the beginning, I was the only one to respond. Now we have 10-15 others. Pond Boss likes that. And, with 375-300 unique users per day, reader's deserve it.
Now that the "season" is slowing down, I'll be at the site more often.
For the fellow who wants to build a shocker, I'll be more direct than the other people. Forget it. Too dangerous, then too much data to analyze. Even if you built one that worked safely, you probably don't have enough experience to figure out what you have, or what to do. Hire a professional. That will be money well spent.

Teach a man to grow fish...
He can teach to catch fish...