Sounds like a great property and pond you have... What species of tree are you growing for the Christmas trees?

With the stocking of the BG, you're gonna have to work very hard to keep them from overpopulating and stunting. SMB are not nearly as efficient as LMB at keeping BG numbers under control. Even with the addition of the walleye, you still may struggle to keep the BG under control. You may have to utilize another control method such as some sort of trapping program.

Also, unless you want a pond completely taken over by cattails, keep them nipped in the but early and often. If not, they will most likely get out of control and then be much harder to manage. I like cattails myself, but they can be tough to keep in line. I would encourage other marginal species like arrowhead, pickerel weed and certain irises.

Do you currently have any species of fish in the pond now or is it barren?