You might look into seeing who owns/controls the subdivision - is there an owner's association? Or is it just under the jurisdiction of the city? You could go to the proper authority and propose to set creel and size limits, and tell them you want to add some feeders which will drastically improve the quality of fishing for all; you might see if the state DNR would be willing to send an officer by the lakes somewhat regularly to check compliance with the limits. You could also patrol it yourself, and if you have friends who plan to fish the pond, work out a patrol schedule with them, alternating who does it on a given day.

The bass won't be easier to catch than without feeders unless one uses live bluegill for bait. The bluegill will be easier to find, but once they get big they won't just jump on a hook unless the presentation is correct, i.e. the average Joe that threads a worm onto a 1/0 hook under a life-preserver float on twenty-pound test will get laughed at by big bluegill, feeder or otherwise.