Meadowlark and PFF offer good advice and thoughts. Start with ML's list. Were you actively involved and aware of the soils compositions to some degree? Are we talking clay? In other words, past the springs, are you comfortable that there was sufficient clay in the soil to bind and create at "soil liner"? As noted above, the dam should be the next suspect considered. If you are comfortable with the seal, then PFF's notes on springs could be scary-true. Are there any other ponds in the area? Can you be a good (nosey) neighbor and introduce yourself?
$60 some-odd K might drain a pond and haul in alot of clay, if needed. Depends how far you gotta go to get it. I can't imagine that seeding is a notable portion of that cost...? Would this be an awkward time to offer wishes of "welcome" to the PB forum?...hope not...they're genuine.
edit: what empiracal evidence do you have that it is not filling up (besides expert advice that it should be full)? Are you measuring rainfall, depth changes, calculating evaporation...stuff like that?