AS Cecil mentioned "putting wild fish into a tank environment" and medicating them may be more stressful than it is worth compared to just catching and releasing them directly into the small pond.
When transporting the wild SMB would a dose of Tricaine-S (http://www.aquaticeco.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/product.detail/iid/5752/cid/1613) help relieve the stress after it is caught? Then during transportation I could put the anti-parasite tabs in the tank with them and release a couple hours

For the size of pond that you have (0.1ac), you are planning to stock way too many wild caught (5-10) or hatchery predators (25-50 SMB) that will have to rely or subsist on natural foods.
What would be a good ratio to stock? I am planning on the buying pellet trained SMB, any hope on training the wild ones? How big of a perch can a SMB eat? I am a little concerned that if I stock the wild SMB that they will wipe out all of the Perch that I will be stocking this spring.