Will do. I was hoping you guys would give me the OK to buy some of those cheap(er) LMB before the price goes up in August ;\)

I first noticed the BG beds late last week, Thursday or Friday.

Last night was one of the BRIGHTEST nights I can remember. I turned off the lights and TV and was headed to bed and noticed some light in the kitchen. I walked around trying to figure on which outdoor light was left on. It was just the moonlight. Amazingly light.

The FH minnows are everywhere. I don't know how often they spawn, but I can easily pick out 3 different sizes of minnows and I see them pretty consistently around the entire shoreline of my 1/2 acre pond.

I've been feeding floating pellets a few times a week (depending on when I think of it) for the past couple months and have noticed a difference in the size of my CC. They are getting pretty darn close to eating size. I'm thinking in another month they'll be big enough to eat. I still have yet to wet a line, but I'm itching to.

Thanks for all the great tips guys!