Originally Posted By: adirondack pond
Man, 6 bucks for a 6" PS, if the demand was big enough it would be profitable, but NY state with all it's tests would make it prohibitive unless you were a big operation.
The guy I was getting my trout from is done, the state would not work with him on required tests even though his water comes from Artesian springs. That trout farm had been there since the early 1900's.

I did some research a few years ago on the health testing requirements of various states for an article I did for our state Aquaculture Newsletter. Funny thing was New York was really lax when it came to health testing a few years ago.Then when a couple of your lakes tested positive for VHS they turned 180 degrees and went off the deep end. Now they require every test in the book for all species --even species that are not known to be susceptable to a particular disease! It's just crazy to have to have a largemouth bass tested for a disease only trout can get and a trout for a disease only a largemouth bass can get!

And last I heard your state still will not allow the sale of largemouth bass for consumption even if they are raised privately in tanks!

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.