Moms update and requests,

Day by day getting better and better! Good going guys!

Thank you for your prayers and positive thoughts! And...I just want to thank GOD! WOW! Matt is making strides and progress each day. It is awesome seeing this right before our eyes! Therapy really is working. The speech therapist is working on a speaking device for Matt to use on his wheel chair! Matt can bring his right arm up over his head! He knows the entire alphabet in sign language! Today he has been drinking from a straw! He is talking more too! Gotta LOVE HIM - AND HIS PERSISTENCE! AMAZING! I just have to say it again and again...NOW, I KNOW WHY GOD BLESSED US WITH MATTHEW AND HIS STRONG WILL!

Another FAVOR? I thought it would be fun to make a collage for Matt. One with a picture of everyone thinking and praying for Matt. So...if you would, either email me or mail me pictures - I will start working on a COLLAGE POSTER for him! (i promise i will not use them or share them with anyone else)!

Want to thank Tommy - our driver from Arkansas - he sent Matt a great CD with some FUN songs, we listened to it yesterday.
The Hines Family - Thank you for the Sports Trivia cards - Matt got 19 correct out of the 20 I asked him. the Camden Family - we love the x-box 'scene it game'! Thank You! Matt can play too! Especially when we get him all 'cozy' and settled in Bob's recliner. I'm thinking we might need to get Matt his own recliner to sit next to Bob to watch SPORTS - SPORTS AND MORE SPORTS! ;\)

Want to ask another favor - please pray and send positive thoughts for Bob and I? Taking care of Matt is a 2 person job - 24/7. Also, for Emileigh's understanding.

A little snow, Please!