Moms update for friday

Matt is on his way to his last therapy session for the week. He really likes going! Bob goes with him every time too. The only down fall is the transportation (that's a whole 'nother story)! Want to keep this entry up beat...

Matt can raise his right arm/hand above his head! He is talking more! He has been answering the phone (with Emileigh's help), he has talked to Nonnie, Papa & Uncle Jimmy! Matt says: 'hello', i love you, nonnie, papa, emileigh, mom, dad, max, i want and i need!

We are still waiting on information about a shower chair/seat. In the mean time - Bob and I give Matt a 'bed bath' and wash his hair. Last night the 3 of us were singing Christmas Carols, the Beatles and Carpenter songs. Gotta make it fun right? After that we got him into the recliner so he could watch the MU game with Bob & Emileigh...those 3 sports fans! They were sad though - MU lost. \:\(

Keep the prayers coming - we are still asking and praying for that MIRACLE!

Also, we have family & friends working on a couple of Fund Raisers for Matt's Medical Fund. One is a Garage/Rummage Sale and the other is an OPEN HOUSE (Shoppping with Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Jewelry, Tupperware, Scrapbooking, Candles, etc...)
They are looking for inside places to have these 2 events. Any ideas?

Have a GREAT FALL Weekend! It is nice and BRISK in MO!

Peace - Light & Love, The Hernan's

A little snow, Please!