So, TJ sends me a PM during the first half of the Vikings-Packer game! At the least, I had to wait until halftime to post, eh?? \:\)

When I was in KS, Hartley was the most respected producer.

Sizes and predation? Just brainstorming, but I think the YEP would be very unlikely to eat even the 2-3 inch SMB, and will not eat the 4-6 inchers. I do worry more about the HSB. I think you'd be safer with the 4-6 for them.

Stockings rates? If you go with 4-6 inch fish, I don't think that I'd go over 50/acre. For 3.5 acres, that would be 175 total? What's everyone think about that??

As for non-feed trained: in tanks, I've often seen SMB learn to feed on prepared diets from other fishes. Maybe the same thing would happen in the pond? I don't have any experience in the ponds compared to tanks, though.


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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.