Well, here is a combo of some pictures I have here at work (the turtle tank, Boo, Smittens, Shadow, Poppycock and Chi Chi the ferret)
and here is my little FiFi in the dog food bowl (ferrets are a lot of fun)
Here is the puppy Lilly and ZZ the ferret
Not shown are 2 freshwater tanks and a 55 gallon salt water tank, our corn snake, bearded dragon, love bird and crazy quaker parrot who flys freely in the house and loves my daughter and I but hates my husband and son. Every day is an adventure - it is so cool to see the way different animals interact with each other! ZZ, the dark ferret has a thing with squeeky toys and will attack anyone who is behind the squeeking - the puppy's favorite toy is a sqeeky hotdog. Boo, the black cat came to us after we already had Shadow the dog but before Lilly so he thinks of himself as one of the black dogs. I'd like to blame my daughter for the cornicopia of critters, but I think she came by her love of animals honestly. ;\)

Sue Cruz
Vertex Water Features