Thanks for asking...

She is doing VERY good! Just a couple small scabs left and everywhere else has healed up nicely. Looks like all that will be left is a nasty 3/8" by 4" scar with a couple little off shoots. I guess the areas that died are those that got the higher amounts of venom...

I was up at the hunting land and trout creek in PA on Thursdays scouting for the upcoming archery season. Covered 7 miles according to my GPS and she was tagging along the whole time. Never showed a sign of limping nor any pain. She was swimming around in the creek with my buddy's lab who was also along for the trip.

I guess I really lucked out! Duck season starts next week. I am hoping to get out and let her do what she loves to do most and that is hunt birds.

Thanks for the advice Anna. I'll send you a PM.