Too Funny:
You guys are living in the wild compared to me. When our outflow was left open we got inundated with Muskrats. But here in Urban Stepfordville a guy from the city told us that We were living in the Muskrats habitat - can you imagine that? On a man made lake? The world has gone wacko. We had to pay someone with a license to trap them, we got 13 at $30 each, only GLLakechair and I ponied up to pay for it - as usual. The funny part was Harvey, just beside himself with the holes they were digging in his yard, and eating all his Hosta. That was worth the money to see him going wild, like Elmer Fud.
I so wish to shoot a gun - however it is illegal here in city limits to discharge a firearm, even a bow and arrow for the carp is against the rules. These rules were made to be broken don't you think?
Makes you wonder what Rainman was drinking.

I subscribe too, but tried and failed at the fish logo.