Hey all;

While stocking Magnolia's with Rex today at my experimental pond #3 Rex saw a Muskrat hopping out of the water and up the bank. I hadn't seen any evidence of Muskrats or other destructive rodents to this point, and was pretty disheartened. Rex offered to grab his .40 calibur pistol and try to make quick work of the situation, and I gladly accepted his offer.

While I circled around to scout for evidence - a mudslide, burrow in the bank, tracks...anything, Rex was back on the dam and told me not to move...he had the critter in his sights!

Rex took careful aim - then "Pop!"

"Did you get him?"

"Hell YES I got him...he's over there squirmin in the pond. One more shot oughta finish him off."



"Oh yeah, he's a goner!"

I walked over to the edge of the pond and peered into the depths, fully expecting to see rivulets of dark red streaming into my recent Zooplanton bloom. But I saw nothing.

"Where is he, Rex?"

"Jeezus man, right beneath you!"

"What - over here?"


"What, you mean HERE?"

Rex had, with all good intentions, mistaken my PVC drain, bubbling with the overflow from ponds 1-2, for a frolicking Muskrat beneath the surface.

"Oh boy...I'm sorry. It sure looked like a Muskrat from THIS angle!"

Sure doesn't look like one from this angle, now does it?

So...all kidding aside - I apparently have Muskrats present in at least one pond. Aside from today, I've seen no evidence of them anywhere else...but imagine when there's one, there's several.

Question is - should I be worried? If so, what's the maximum damage they can cause? How should I deal with this problem? I don't have the time to hunt them...should I try trapping?

Thanks guys - appreciate any advice.

Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after. ~ Henry David Thoreau

[Linked Image from i1261.photobucket.com]