the steams water temp is below 70 even during the summer. the elevation at the area where the pic is, is around 3200ft. the stream runs to a bigger stream where the bigger stream is fully stocked with trout at lower elevations.

if looking at the picture, the land to the left is mine, and it should have plenty of shade to keep the water cool. and like ric said i am thinking a liner would be the best coarse of action, because i expect to have rocks where i dig.

my biggest concern is getting a good flow of water from the stream, in the picture the land owner to the right has a hose in which he is taking some of the water from the creek, i would expect to do the same, even if i have to go up into the national forest to do so, it should not be a long way, maybe 100 ft and be gravity fed to the pond.

i really dont know how many gpm i would get from this however until i test it.

i also need to be concerned about the little creek shown on the map, the watershed and how much water it would produce into the pond and how i could untilize or deter it.

tks again for the replies, it gives me something to do here, when not out on mission.