Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
To me, the perfect pond, is usually one with fertile soils, good management, a dependable water supply and a liberal application of cash.

My report card:

Fertile soils = check

Good management = not even in my wildest imagination (and that's pretty wild).

dependable water supply = yea, right, third drought year in a row.

Liberal application of cash = you've got to be kidding. I stocked $1,000 of fish three years ago, plus probably $500 in chemicals over a three year period. So that's $1,500 spend on a three acre pond in almost four years of ownership, or $375 per year or about $125 per acre of pond per year. Dang my fish are almost abused.

Ok so I'm 1 for 4.

So perhaps a D- if the grading is liberal.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)