Thanks 2cat. Here is the info via Dave Willis at SDSU.

" However, if you would like an acknowledgement of the financial donation to a tax-exempt institution, checks could also be sent to me, and I would respond with a thank you letter on university letterhead that is signed by both Bob and me. I'll put the address below.

Sunil asked who to make the checks out to: SDSU Foundation. However, be sure to put "Jesse West Endowment" on the subject line so there is no confusion over where to deposit the funds! It never hurts to be careful, you know!!

Thanks, Bob, and thanks so much to ALL of you. We'll bring two of the most recent Jesse West award winners to the Pond Boss Conference.

Dave Willis
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
South Dakota State University
SNP 138, Box 2140B
Brookings, SD 57007 "

Last edited by ewest; 08/27/09 03:20 PM.